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Global Texture for Avatars

ProTV 3 enables the use of the video screen on Avatars via a Global Video Texture.

The setting Global Video Texture on the TVManager component enables this access through two specific variable names: _Udon_VideoTex and _Udon_VideoData


This shader variable is a 2D texture of varying dimension. It will be assigned the RenderTexture component utilized by the TV for the Blit operation. You can check if the texture is 'active' by examining the dimensions of it. If it is width <= 16, then the texture is considered disabled or unavailable and the shader can fallback to something else.


Shaders should be sure to implement the float4 _Udon_VideoTex_ST tiling/offset value to allow the world to define what portion of the video texture should be used by the shader.

There are two ways to check the global variable for if it's present.

Shader pass declaration:

uniform sampler2D _Udon_VideoTex;
float4 _Udon_VideoTex_TexelSize;
float4 _Udon_VideoTex_ST;

Fragment snippet for checking width (z of TexelSize is the width of the texture in pixels):

if (_Udon_VideoTex_TexelSize.z <= 16) {
// no video texture
} else {
// video texture present, transform UV and sample texture
// the TRANSFORM_TEX call just returns:
// uv * _Udon_VideoTex_ST.xy +;
float4 tex = tex2d(_Udon_VideoTex, TRANSFORM_TEX(uv, _Udon_VideoTex));

2) Using Texture2D

Shader pass declaration:

uniform Texture2D _Udon_VideoTex;
SamplerState sampler_Udon_VideoTex;
float4 _Udon_VideoTex_ST;

Fragment snippet for checking width:

int videoWidth;
int videoHeight;
_Udon_VideoTex.GetDimensions(videoWidth, videoHeight);
if (videoWidth <= 16) {
// no video texture
} else {
// video texture present, transform UV and sample texture
// the TRANSFORM_TEX call just returns:
// uv * _Udon_VideoTex_ST.xy +;
float4 tex = _Udon_VideoTex.Sample(sampler_Udon_VideoTex, TRANSFORM_TEX(uv, _Udon_VideoTex));


This shader variable is a float4x4 matrix that contains the important internal metadata of the TV. The structure is as follows:

[ FLAGS   (_11 int  ) , STATE        (_12 int  ) , ERROR_STATE    (_13 int  ) , READY (_14 bool) ]
[ VOLUME (_21 float) , SEEK_PERCENT (_22 float) , PLAYBACK_SPEED (_23 float) , (_24 ) ]
[ (_31 ) , (_32 ) , (_33 ) , (_34 ) ]
[ 3D_MODE (_41 int ) , (_42 ) , (_43 ) , (_44 ) ]

The flags field (_11) is a bit-packed composition of the following options (and their respective value checks, the int() cast is required in the shader)

LOCKED  (int(_11) >> 0 & 1)
MUTE (int(_11) >> 1 & 1)
LIVE (int(_11) >> 2 & 1)
LOADING (int(_11) >> 3 & 1)
FORCE2D (int(_11) >> 4 & 1)

To examine if a TV is feeding information to the shader variables, you can examine the _14 field of the matrix. This is a boolean (0 or 1) value which the TV specifies if it has passed initialization (meaning it can play media). If the value is 0/false, the shader should assume that the TV is unavailable and can fallback to something else.

The int values are enums used by the TV which are as follows:

    • 0 = No media currently loaded
    • 1 = Media is stopped
    • 2 = Media is playing
    • 3 = Media is paused
    • 0 = no error
    • 1 = url failed and is retrying
    • 2 = url is blocked
    • 3 = url failed to load
  • 3D_MODE
    • 0 = No 3d mode active
    • 1 = Side by Side (SBS)
    • 2 = Side by Side but the eyes should be swapped
    • 3 = Over Under
    • 4 = Over Under but the eyes should be swapped
    • -1 through -4 = Any of the respective above values, but treated as if each eye is rendered at full resolution. This means that instead of assuming the source resolution is the full texture width * height (which stretches the texture horizontally from the source media to fit the expected size), it will assume the source resolution is width/2 * height for SBS (or width * height/2 for OverUnder modes) (meaning the original texture is pixel exact per eye). This is aka SBS-Full (or OverUnder-Full).

Why does the structure look weirdly arranged? That's because the default value for a 4x4 matrix is the identity of it which is:


So to handle situations where the identity fallback is set by unity, the locations of the data have been carefully selected to have a reasonable default value.